Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Last 30

30 days ago, my sister came to me and asked me to join her "Healthy, Fit, Stronger" group on Facebook. She hadn't started the group yet, but I was already interested. I have spent a good majority of my life the last 10 years attempting to research through trial and error what foods are good for me and which ones are like poison. Many things have changed on my journey. I went from eating whatever the heck I wanted (usually what TASTED the best) to removing all meat sans fish. I was a pescatarian for about two years before I started feeling the lethargy, brain fog, and constant weight battle that soon accompanied thyroid disease. I gave up gluten hoping it would help keep my Thyroid Disease from going full blown (diagnosed sub-clinical).  This was 30 days ago.....let's move on to The Last 30....

"Healthy, Fit, Stronger" has changed my life forever! Joining the group started out as a favor to my sister, but the encouragement I get from it everyday is why I was able to make it my goal to do yoga 4 days per week and STICK WITH IT! I am now doing yoga 5 days per week, hoping to make it 6 days by the end of this next 30 day challenge. The secret to my success in addition to the encouragement is drinking Shakeology. When I first started, it seemed as though the shake was a little grainy. However, what shake that is actually GOOD for you isn't grainy just a lil bit? In the beginning, I was adding things like almonds and ice to make the texture a lil more palpable. 30 days later and I'm enjoying the taste and texture without the almonds or any additives. Shakeology is so incredibly good for you and has become like food for me. If I drink the chocolate one in the morning, I don't crave chocolate all day. I also find I'm not craving processed junk food. I think that happened about 2 weeks after starting it. Oh! Did I forget to mention that I share my bag? Meaning....I only drink it every other day and not every day. I choose to eat a regular meal on the days I don't have the Shakeology just so I can get a good balance of keeping my food where it needs to be; calorie-speaking, and keeps me from going overboard.

How much weight have I lost? How long did it take?

In the last 30 days, I have consumed 15 days worth of Shakeology, ate a balanced breakfast usually consisting of eggs, veggies and GF toast, and have started doing yoga 4 days per week. I lost 9 pounds in less than 30 days. I know my physical activity increased quite a bit, but I have been eating on the healthy side for over 3 years now, so I know it's the Shakeology that has boosted my metabolism, increased my energy, reduced my cravings, improved joint and muscle pain, give me better quality sleep, and maintain my sugar levels. In fact, I don't see any reason why I should ever stop drinking it! I know that I sound like a sales campaign, but I don't work for them, do not sell their product - I only use it and see great results! I feel like my brain is functioning better and I stopped drinking coffee. I didn't do that last one on purpose. I just go into work now and look at the coffee pot and my body doesn't want it. :)

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